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Extension of primary school

where  Halenkovice

when    june 2022

what     architecture study

who      Adam Bednařík

The new extension of the elementary school responds to the new requirements and needs of teaching in the present time. In the newly created floor there are specialized classrooms: teaching foreign languages ​​for 25 students, a specialist classroom for teaching ICT - 30 students, studios for art and music activities with a connected storage for tools, a school library and a study room with a club room for holding lectures or discussions (50 people), a meeting room for 25 teachers with a kitchen, toilets for students and teachers, a cleaning room, a technical room, a cabinets for language and ICT teachers and a main corridor as a place for spending school breaks.

As part of the vertical communication, the school was supplemented with an elevator and two new staircases, which were placed above the original staircase on the ground floor. Thanks to this, horizontal communication was expanded to include the possibility of circular movement of people and children in the building. The building was expanded with a new side entrance along with a new space for changing rooms. The number of lockers increased to 145 pupils (possibility of increasing to 160 in the future)

The main motif of the architectonic solution is the contrast between new and old matter. The design tries to respect the original mass of the school, which assumes the function of a "stand".


The individual figures are visually moved away from each other and divided in such a way that there is no integrity of one mass and thus a visually disruptive perception of the building as a whole. Furthermore, this effect is suppressed by the difference in the heights of the roofs, the contrast of the materials and the vertical optical insertion of the figures into the original mass by increasing its attic in certain places. The new materials are based on the school's original roof, and at the same time, their shape follows the adjacent buildings in the area.


The final appearance of the new mass is reflected in the interior in the form of openness and views through the interior of the building. This brings natural lighting of spaces, visual enlargement of classrooms and easier orientation in the building.


Light is always brought in two directions - horizontal and vertical. As part of the horizontal lighting, the space is always dominated by one elongated window, which aims to eliminate a large number of windows and thereby simplify the form of the mass solution. Vertical lighting is in the form of skylights.

Snímek obrazovky 2022-10-18 v 21.26.24.png
Snímek obrazovky 2022-10-18 v 21.35.02.png
Snímek obrazovky 2022-10-18 v 21.35.17.png
Snímek obrazovky 2022-10-18 v 21.36.10.png
Snímek obrazovky 2022-10-18 v 21.36.21.png
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