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design activity
building permit

Preparatory work

Architectural study

Building permit projects

Initial consultation and acquaintance with your ideas and intention of the project - analysis of the order - visit to the place and verification of its potentials, or local regulations.


Analysis of the investment plan in the form of a verification study, compliance with spatial planning documentation, specification of the scope and content of project work - focus on the current state of the building - elaboration of a price and term offer.

One of the most important and often underestimated part of the construction process, regardless of the type of building (new construction, reconstruction)


In this part, the architect works closely with the client, working together on the required aspects of housing based on his ideas, lifestyle and financial capabilities of the client.


The architect also shapes the basic concept of the building - its layout, material, functional, constructional, material and spatial solutions with regard to the character of the surrounding buildings, landscape and urban environment, so that the building fits into its surroundings as naturally as possible.


Without an architectural study, there are often (in the better case) significant changes in the drawing documentation (including static drawings) and a number of problems during the construction itself, which can make the whole building significantly more expensive.

After approving the final form of the house, the next phase of the project for a building permit / notification follows.


The main purpose of the DSP is to sufficiently define the building so that the building authority can assess compliance with the issued zoning decision, with the general technical conditions and with the public interest in the given locality.


It must also provide a clear urban, architectural, dispositional, operational, structural and material characteristics of the building.

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